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Gramatan Village Delivers a Little Love on Valentine's Day

Middle School students surprise Gramatan Village members with handmade valentines. 

By Julia Schwartz-Leeper, Gramatan Village

Feb. 16, 2022: Valentine’s Day is a time to show love and caring. This year Gramatan Village “reached out to all of our members and delivered a little love right to their doors”, said Julia Schwartz-Leeper, Interim Executive Director.   All of us have struggled to find ways to keep in touch during this pandemic, yet so many still feel left behind. We can only imagine, or maybe we do know, how difficult it can be for those who don’t appear disengaged, but very much feel that way. This may include the frail elderly, but can just as easily be the recent empty nester(s), the new widow/widower, the solo ager, adult children who are navigating the challenging landscape of assisting parents age with grace while balancing their own needs. Gramatan Village is here for everyone who could benefit from resources and services to make life easier for those aging in place and those assisting them.

Many members embrace Gramatan Village’s Zoom classes and interest groups; groups meet both in person and on Zoom depending on the current covid guidelines, but there are others, particularly those who struggle with sensory loss, that find on-line programs challenging.   Gramatan Village offers technical support where appropriate and regularly reaches out with “friendly phone calls” and regular emails to members in order to catch up and stay connected.

GV wanted to do something special for members on this Valentine’s Day. With the help of several other community partners, Gramatan Village delivered sweets, handwritten cards and safety flashlights to almost 100 households. The Armour Villa Neighborhood Association, a co-sponsor, provided additional drivers as well as financial support, and the Bronxville Middle School thoughtfully personalized cards to accompany each Valentine.

Many volunteers were involved in coordinating and executing this project and all are thrilled to be a part of assisting GV to bring love and caring to their neighbors.

We’d love to have you join the Gramatan Village family, as a member, a volunteer and/or a donor. Please give us a call 914-337-1338 or visit our website at gramatanvillage.org. We look forward to it.


Photos courtesy Gramatan Village


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