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Bronxville Bridge Enthusiasts are Loving Virtual Bridge During The Pandemic

By Dick Bower

Mar. 17, 2021: Hopefully, the pandemic is soon to be a story to pass on to our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, in my case. Keeping busy during this time for a group of age 70+ men and women has been a challenge.

Before the pandemic, a large group of men from the Bronxville area would get together twice a week and play “geezer bridge.” This usually took place at one of the local clubs with three or four tables of four. Women had groups as well, with many going to a place on Central Avenue called the Bridge Deck. What were these bridge starved players to do? Virtual online bridge is the answer.

You can play with a partner of your choice for “master points” or have a fun game with friends. I asked a few of my fellow bridge buddies what they enjoy most while playing online.

Jim Bunn, who plays social bridge with three of his friends, says, “Virtual Bridge has been a life-saver for me, as an avid player who really misses live play. The group I play with connects our phones like a conference call, so we even get some of the camaraderie, too (and a beer when we want one).”

Peggy Theiss, who plays competitively for fun and for MASTER POINTS, says, “It is so much more than a game. With enough master points, you may eventually reach LIFE MASTER status! We laugh with our partners, who become lifelong friends. The challenges of the game are many. Virtual Bridge has been a lifeline for those of us living alone during this pandemic. It is something to look forward to and enjoy. Try it; you might like it.”

Patti Warble plays competitively and says, “Love virtual bridge as it is so easy to access which allows me to play more bridge. And since I am playing more, I am motivated to study more bridge strategies and conventions. Playing and studying fills some of those hours when at home, win-win all around.”

I play duplicate bridge every day (sometimes twice a day) on Bridge Base Online. Needless to say, I’m addicted. A great diversion for us bridge players from all over the world.

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