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Letter to the Community from Bill Fredericks, Candidate for Reelection as Village Trustee

May 5, 2025

To Fellow Bronxville Residents,

As one of the three candidates running for two Village trustee positions, I’m writing to ask you for one of your two votes for trustee on March 18.

In 1997 my wife Ivy and I moved to Bronxville to raise our family.  I am a Columbia Law School graduate and have practiced commercial and financial litigation in New York for the past 35 years.  My Village government work began in 2006 when Mayor Marvin appointed me as a member (2008) and then chair (2012) of the Village’s Zoning Board.  

Since becoming a trustee in 2020, I have worked with Mayor Marvin and my fellow trustees to ensure that the Village continues to deliver quality services while running a tight fiscal ship.  In particular, I have voted with my colleagues to keep tax increases limited while also:

-Increasing the size of the Village’s police force;

-Funding extensive storm drain and sewer maintenance;

-Implementing traffic and pedestrian safety improvements across the Village;

-Supporting sensible environmental proposals, such as leaf blower restrictions, a food scraps recycling program, more EV charging stations, and switching our streetlights to LED;

-Reducing the Village’s speed limit to 25 mph;

-Renewing Maltby Park and playground and building the Library’s new patio; and

-Maintaining the Village’s enviably strong bond rating and financial reserves.

In addition,

-As former Zoning Board chair, I drafted (with current ZB chair Stuart Macintosh) -- and then as trustee got passed -- a series of major reforms to the Village’s Zoning Code, including major restrictions on “as of right” tear-downs;

-I took the lead working with a large group of residents (and three safety consultants) to install the new crosswalk across Rt 22 at Elm Rock Road; and

-I was the only Bronxville resident who appeared at the Eastchester Fire Department’s last budget meeting to object to its plans to raise its tax levy by 14.49% in 2025.

Looking ahead, I hope to continue to work with the Village’s outside engineers and affected residents (and with my fellow trustees and officials from neighboring municipalities) to develop practical solutions to our complex flooding challenges.  I’ve gotten to work with Sen. Mayer and Assemblywoman Paulin on these and other issues and am proud to have earned their endorsements.      

We also need to address the Village’s well-documented loss of tree canopy in recent decades.  I have drafted a plan to fund the planting of new native trees across Bronxville, primarily by giving interested residents and apartment associations the ability to apply to have the Village plant a tree in the Village’s “right-of-way” in front of their homes.  The idea is not new (our former GOP Mayor Nancy Hand suggested something similar nine years ago), but my proposal reflects my “let’s get it done” approach to ideas that have broad community support. 

I have been very, very fortunate to call Bronxville home.  I am a life-long Democrat, but as a trustee my only commitment has been -- and will continue to be -- to our shared Village. 

I hope my record and experience merit one of your two votes for Trustee on March 18.       

Very truly yours,

Bill Fredericks





Letters Directory

Bronxville Overview

Bronxville is a quaint village (one square mile) located just 16 miles north of midtown Manhattan (roughly 30 minutes on the train) and has a population of approximately 6,500. It is known as a premier community with an excellent public school (K-12) and easy access to Manhattan. Bronxville offers many amenities including an attractive business district, a hospital (Lawrence Hospital), public paddle and tennis courts, fine dining at local restaurants, two private country clubs and a community library.

While the earliest settlers of Bronxville date back to the first half of the 18th century, the history of the modern suburb of Bronxville began in 1890 when William Van Duzer Lawrence purchased a farm and commissioned the architect, William A. Bates, to design a planned community of houses for well-known artists and professionals that became a thriving art colony. This community, now called Lawrence Park, is listed on the National register of Historic Places and many of the homes still have artists’ studios. A neighborhood association within Lawrence Park called “The Hilltop Association” keeps this heritage alive with art shows and other events for neighbors.

Bronxville offers many charming neighborhoods as well as a variety of living options for residents including single family homes, town houses, cooperatives and condominiums. One of the chief benefits of living in “the village” is that your children can attend the Bronxville School.

The Bronxville postal zone (10708, known as “Bronxville PO”) includes the village of Bronxville as well as the Chester Heights section of Eastchester, parts of Tuckahoe and the Lawrence Park West, Cedar Knolls, Armour Villa and Longvale sections of Yonkers. Many of these areas have their own distinct character. For instance, the Armour Villa section has many historic homes and even has its own newsletter called “The Villa Voice” which reports on neighborhood news.

Bronxville Village Government Directory

Village of Bronxville Administrative Offices
Open 9:00am - 4pm excluding holidays and weekends

Bronxville Police Department
Open 24 hours

Bronxville Parking Violations
Open 9:00am - 4pm excluding holidays and weekends

Bronxville Fire Deparment

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