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Letter to the Community: Thank You From Bronxville Rotary & How Your Donations Were Used

Dear Neighbors,

Mar. 24, 2021: We write to thank our neighbors and friends for their support over the past year in helping the Bronxville Rotary Club respond to some of the many challenges presented by COVID-19.

The following is a brief outline of how those donations have been used. And as we express our gratitude, the Bronxville Rotary commits itself to continue in our efforts to help the people of our village and neighboring communities

  1. Provided biweekly stipends to the families of 14 workers furloughed from local businesses. We continued this support until they were able to return to work or began receiving unemployment benefits.
  2. Joined with the Harlem Rotary and our Rotary District to help fund the meals and food pantry programs of the Salvation Army Harlem Temple Corps Community Center serving thousands of low-income Harlem residents facing overwhelming
  3. Distributed 100 face shields to the Eastchester Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The face shields were produced by members of the Rotaract Club of Manhattan NYC, a group of young people ages 18-29 dedicated to service and committed to becoming responsible global citizens.
  4. Recognized the tireless work of 103 village employees and other frontline workers by awarding them gift certificates to local restaurants and businesses.
  5. At the request of Westhab (the Yonkers-based affordable housing and social service agency) redirected funds from our volunteer pre-school parent/child reading program towards the purchase of bi-lingual educational materials for school age children unable to attend classes. The Bronxville Rotary is committed to continue our work with Westhab. And this spring, with the completion of its Dayspring Community Center, the Rotary-funded commercial kitchen will be installed.
  6. Provided a $2,500 grant to the Eastchester CAP Food Pantry which benefits those less fortunate than others in our community.
  7. Provided an interim $5000 grant to Groundwork Hudson Valley to support their work on environmental projects and the environmental education program based on the Science Barge in the Hudson River. GVA was to be the beneficiary of the Bronxville Rotary’s 2020 Spring Gala, which, because of COVID, had to be cancelled. We will work to find ways to support this important organization.
  8. The beneficiary of Rotary’s 2019 Spring Gala - Dream Deferred -(formerly Guns Down) has demonstrated remarkably flexibility in responding to the challenges created by the COVID-19 epidemic. Unable to continue its successful Crown Heights-based computer training program for formerly incarcerated individuals, Dream Deferred rapidly developed online classes. From funds raised at the gala, the Bronxville Rotary was able to support this effort and the purchase of laptop computers to enable the students to work from home. This resulted in an increase in enrollment, a 100 percent graduation rate as well as an expansion of its geographic service area (including one student living Mt Vernon). Last month 16 students celebrated their graduation from the intensive 5-week computer training classes and were gifted their computers to mark their achievement and to enable them to continue to develop their skills.   The next series of classes, scheduled to begin next week, are already oversubscribed.    New classes are being added, e.g., software coding, as well as a reemphasis on training in non-violent alternatives for conflict resolution.  To continue these efforts Rotary will be seeking funds for the purchase of more laptop computers.  These programs not only provide formerly incarcerated individuals with marketable skills but help them realize their dreams of becoming contributing members of society.  

And our work continues.  This week the Bronxville Rotary will be donating 5,000 masks to the Village to help address the surge of  COVID-19 cases in our community. The newly formed Bronxville Rotaract Club will assist in distributing these masks, working with Mayor Marvin and Chief Satriale.

The Rotary Club of Bronxville again thanks our neighbors for their support and looks forward to updating you on our work.


The Bronxville Rotary Board



Editor's note:  MyhometownBronxville does not fact-check statements in letters to the editor, and the opinions do not necessarily reflect the thinking of its staff. Its objective in publishing letters to the editor is to give air to diverse thoughts and opinions of residents in the community.


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