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  • Gramatan Village Seminar on Advanced Care Planning Was Very Informative

Gramatan Village Seminar on Advanced Care Planning Was Very Informative

Pictured: NYPL Geriatrics - Palliative Care Team: Nicole Serra, Ella Guy, LaToya Sealy. Photo by Kwee Huang

By Jayne Mealth 

Feb. 1, 2023: On Monday, January 23rd, twenty Bronxville residents gathered in the Yeager Room at the Bronxville Public Library to attend a seminar hosted by Gramatan Village on the topic of Advanced Care Planning.

Three members of the New York Presbyterian Palliative Care Team explained the importance of having advanced directives in place before a medical crisis happens. LaToya Sealy, a nurse practitioner with 19 years of experience, said that having one’s desires for end-of-life care known and put in writing before they are needed reduces the burden on loved ones and results in everything going more smoothly if the patient is unable to express their desires themself.

The most important advanced care documents one must have in place are:

  1. a healthcare proxy
  2. a living will
  3. a MOLST (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) and
  4. an at home DNR (Do not resuscitate) order.

Nicole Serra, a social worker with 25 years of experience, commented that the healthcare proxy you choose should be someone you know very well, who lives close by and who is good under pressure. All three of the panelists agreed that this person may or may not be your spouse.

The MOLST form was also highlighted. This form is a comprehensive document explaining which life-sustaining treatments, if any, you wish to avoid and/or receive should you be unable to voice those wishes yourself. It also includes a DNR. Ella Guy, a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner with 16 years of nursing experience, emphasized that in the absence of a documented healthcare proxy, a MOLST, living will or a DNR order, healthcare providers must rely on the next of kin (in order: spouse, children, parents, sibling) to make decisions regarding treatment if the patient is unable to communicate their preferences.

This very informative seminar is one of many offered by Gramatan Village. Gramatan Village, in partnership with NY Presbyterian-Westchester, will be holding their next public seminar, "Give Your Heart Some Love", tips on how to keep your heart healthy, at the Bronxville Public Library, on Wednesday, February 15 at 2pm.

Copies of the Health Care Proxy form or a MOLST form, can both be obtained at the Gramatan Village office located at 85 Pondfield Road.


Adult Education Directory

Bronxville Adult School

About the Bronxville Adult School & Contacts

The Bronxville Adult School is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in 1957 and chartered by the New York State Board of Regents. The School "offers all adults of Bronxville and surrounding communities the opportunity for personal growth through life enhancing skills and provides cultural, intellectual and recreational stimulation at a nominal cost."

The Bronxville Adult School
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Bronxville Public Library

Bronxville Public Library

The Bronxville Public Library traces its origins back to 1875, when it was a small lending library housed in a room attached to the “Bronxville Model School.” The Library was officially chartered in 1906 and moved into the Village Hall Building. The needs of the library grew with the town and, in 1942, a new standalone building was erected, which is where the Library is today. Over the years, the Library was renovated and expanded to meet the needs of the community.

The Library has wonderful resources for adults and children and offers a comfortable and relaxing environment. The Library also houses a fine art collection, consisting principally of Bronxville painters and sculptors.

The Library offers special events, art exhibitions, and programs for adults, young adults and children.  All events are open to the public, unless otherwise indicated.

The Bronxville Public Library
201 Pondfield Road (Midland Avenue & Pondfield Road)

Sarah Lawrence College

Sarah Lawrence College 

1 Mead Way
Bronxville, New York 10708

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