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Letter to Community Supporting Jason Curran for Bronxville School Board

May 10, 2023

To All Bronxville Community Members,

We believe that Bronxville deserves to have a choice for its Board of Education and, of the possible choice, Jason will be the greatest voice and advocate for our children. He is a qualified school board candidate and we believe he is the best person for this position.

Here's what we think sets him apart:

Jay believes that our school should be a place where all students feel safe and experience a sense of belonging, which will help our students live the Bronxville Promise and prepare them for successful lives outside of Bronxville. He will always put the interests of students and faculty at the heart of the Board's business.

Jay is a centrist. Humble yet confident, measured yet passionate, he understands that our school is excellent and that it can always do better. 

He is a consensus builder who will listen to everyone, thoughtfully participate in difficult conversations and work to find common ground across perspectives. He will be a voice and an advocate for ALL.

He's actively involved in the community. Jay's experience on the Community Fund Board is impressive - he willingly took on the time-consuming job as Co-Chair of the Grants Committee which distributes over $500,000 annually.  Jay has proven that he is willing to get into the weeds and put in the work for the benefit of our Village.

Having lived in the Village for a decade, Jay knows all three schools -- there is simply no substitute for actual experience when it comes to making decisions for our school district as a whole.

Jay's full bio can be viewed here so you can learn more about his professional expertise and capacity not only to fulfill but also exceed the expectations of our community.

We provide our fullest support to Jay and ask that you vote for Jay on May 16th.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Amy Curran

Kerry Acocella

Mike Brady

Teresa Brady

Benjamin Collier

Holly Collier

Deborah Cook

Kevin Cook

Philip Courtney

Elizabeth Cunnane

Diana Deichert

Robert Deichert Jr.

Karin Drakenberg

Bryan Dougherty

Carmita Estrada

Ed Estrada

Steve Farber

Elizabeth Fino

Paul Fino

Susie Frigon

Chris Frigon

JP Gallipolli

Scott Goodson

Meredith Grant

Joseph Gravier

Lia Gravier

Betsy Harding

Niamh Hartnett Merluccio

Lauren Iannotti

Isabelle Ingersoll

Carl Kirst

Joy Kirst

Gina Nigido Lander

Ana Lekovic

George Lekovic

Joanne Leopold

Matthew McKenna

Nancy McKenna

Kevin McNeill

John Magliery

Neala Martin

Patrick Martin

Angelo Merluccio

Mariana Mingo

Pam Morrisroe

Megan O'Grady

Carlie Patterson

Sam Patterson

Richard Pero

Delphine Quieti

Meher Rabbani

Elizabeth Rangwalla

Jaimin Rangwalla

Jennifer Redman

Josh Rucci

Kierstie Rucci

Ben Stapleton

Kate Steele

Emily Tyree

Jan Von Mehren

Philip Von Mehren

Ruth Walter

John Waggoner

Rekha Waggoner

Jill Whipple

Timothy Whipple

Robyn Zivic



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