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  • Joseph Kelly, Bronxville Resident for Almost Fifty Years, Dies May 12, 2015

Joseph Kelly, Bronxville Resident for Almost Fifty Years, Dies May 12, 2015


By Liza Kelly-Rossini

May 20, 2015:  Joseph Kelly, a resident of Bronxville from 1966 to 2014, died peacefully on May 12, 2015.

Joe, originally from Akron, Ohio, served in the United States Air Force during WWII and then graduated from Columbia University in 1945.

He married Gertrude Round in New York City's St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1950 and had one daughter. The Kelly family moved to Baltimore, where Joe worked for Potlatch Forest Corporation.

The family returned to New York, settling in Bronxville in 1966. Joe served as vice president for sales at Arkay Packaging Corporation until his retirement.

He also served on the boards of the Columbia College Foundation and the Tuckahoe Housing Authority. He was an exercise enthusiast, playing tennis and squash at the Bronxville Field Club well into his 80s.

Joe was a great admirer of Bronxville's trees and flowers and could be seen walking around the Bronxville Lake or through the village come rain or shine.

Joe donated his brain to Columbia University Medical Center's Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain.

He is survived by his daughter, Liza, his granddaughter, Meghan, and his son-in-law, Doug.


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