Ryan McCloskey Earns Eagle Scout Designation

July 7, 2021: Ryan McCloskey, a member of Boy Scouts Troop 1 Bronxville, earned his Eagle Scout designation in June 2021. Earning an Eagle Scout Award during the pandemic was a challenge because it requires working with fellow Scouts and the community to conduct the necessary in-person fundraising. Ryan used his network and social media to help promote his ideas and needs for the project. Keeping in mind social distancing and mask coverings, he was able to secure Scouts to help him with his project.

Ryan chose to build and install a "Little Library" in Garth Road Park so that the community can enjoy free book sharing for all age groups. Ryan struggled with reading as a child, and his mission is to promote reading within his community. He believes that if children have immediate access to books where they play, they can build their love for reading. The Garth Road Park is an excellent location for the "Little Library" because it has continuous foot traffic from community members of all ages.

When town members heard about this idea, many offered to donate age appropriate books. The rule of the book exchange is if you take a book, you should also leave one. 

To date, Ryan has received positive feedback from the community and the town of Eastchester board members. Ryan is excited that he has delivered a legacy that community members can enjoy for years to come. 

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