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  • Bronxville NPC Accepting Applications for 2024 School Board Trustee Candidates; Deadline March 10th

Bronxville NPC Accepting Applications for 2024 School Board Trustee Candidates; Deadline March 10th

By Committee for Non-Partisan Nomination and Election of The Bronxville School Trustees

Feb. 22, 2024:  Bronxville’s Committee for Non-Partisan Nomination and Election of School Trustees ("NPC") is currently accepting applications for candidates interested in the position of school board trustee. The deadline to submit is Sunday, March 10th, 2024.

The school trustees set broad policies for the direction of the school by serving three-year terms on the school board. The seven trustees provide leadership and direction to the school’s administrators and make important decisions on a wide array of topics including strategic planning, curriculum, technology, personnel issues, finance, construction, facilities, and the student body. Elected by the Bronxville community, each trustee plays a vital role in the continued excellence of the school.

Any resident who is interested in running for school trustee or who would like to suggest candidates should contact the NPC as soon as possible. The application form and information about the role of the NPC can be found on the NPC website, www.bronxvillenpc.org

PLEASE NOTE: Incumbent Bronxville School Board Trustees Susan Conniff and Miki Kapoor have indicated their intention to run for a second three-year term and plan to seek the NPC’s nomination by participating in our application and interview process. In keeping with the NPC Rules, any village resident interested in the role of a Trustee, and who would like to apply with the NPC, will be equally considered.

To propose candidates or to nominate yourself or to obtain more information about becoming a part of the NPC, please email the NPC at bxv_npc@yahoo.com

About the NPC

Founded in 1936, the Bronxville Non-Partisan Committee is an elected body of community residents charged with the task of interviewing and conducting due diligence on school board candidates running for election that wish to be evaluated by the Committee.  At the conclusion of the process, the Committee endorses one candidate for each available seat based on the candidate’s qualifications for the position.

Engaging with the Non-Partisan Committee is optional for candidates and the candidate due diligence and endorsement is provided as a service to voters.

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