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Representative James Nolan on Gas Tax Relief, Gun Store Warning Signs and Reporting Hate Incidents

By James Nolan, Westchester County Legislator, District 15

June 1, 2022: The following is recent news from Westchester County Legislator James Nolan.

Gas Tax Relief:  Sales tax relief on gas purchased in Westchester, approved by the Board last month, will run from June 1 through August 31. The measure caps sales tax on gas purchases at $.12 per gallon. Hopefully this can provide a little help to residents and businesses in balancing their budgets this summer. While summer doesn't officially arrive until June 21, help with the high price of fuel this summer begins June 1 in Westchester.

Gun Store Warning Signs: This measure requires signs at gun stores warning that firearms in the home significantly increase risks of suicide, death during domestic disputes, and the accidental deaths of children or others. 

We were reminded again last week about the horrific dangers of mass gun violence, but many gun deaths don’t make headlines -- 54 percent of gun deaths in New York are suicides, more than 27 percent of suicides involve firearms, and nearly 37 percent of New York's intimate partner homicides involve a gun.

Warnings won’t stop criminal violence, but hopefully they will increase mindfulness that a gun in the home can pose dangers not just to the owner but to others who might gain access to them. If something as simple as a warning label can prevent one suicide, one domestic violence death, one accidental shooting, it is well worth it.

Reporting of Hate Incidents: Sadly, hate and bias incidents are on the rise. This law creates a process for the County’s Department of Public Safety to keep track of hate incidents, in addition to the hate crime data it already assembles. Incidents of bias-based harassment and intimidation, even when they don’t rise to the criminal level, have profoundly damaging effects not just for individuals but entire communities. Keeping track of them can hopefully help us identify troubling trends before situations develop into tragic circumstances.



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