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Gung Hoe Gardener: Gardening is a Perfect Place to Stay Six Feet From No One


Liriope before it was cut

By Neely Bower

Apr. 1, 2020: The Gung Hoe Gardener finally has a captive audience. When you are finished doing your virtual studying and working online for business, look outside.

We have had many unprecedented spring days, and our yards and gardens have exploded with color. This says to me that it is time to start working in the garden. What a perfect place to stay six feet from no one.

March is the time to prune your trees and your shrubs that do not bloom, such as Taxus, Hollies, and Boxwood. Do not prune Azaleas or Hydrangea macrophylla (large blue or pink flowers) because they bloom on old growth. Hydrangea paniculata (tall white cone-shaped flowers) can be pruned now because they bloom on new growth.

Also, cut back any grasses and perennials that you have left up for winter interest. I spent the other day cutting my Liriope (lilyturf or monkey grass) to the ground (pictured). The new growth is coming up under all their old leaves, and if you wait too much longer, the new growth will be damaged. For large flat areas, I use a lawnmower, but a weed wacker and pruners will also do the job


Liriope after it was cut; new growth can now come up

Now that we have all gotten so dependent on our computers, gardening has become so much easier. If you are not sure what to do, Google it.

Hard work outside on a beautiful spring day will definitely clear your mind from all the troubles going on around us.

Photos by N. Bower


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