Mar. 26, 2014: On Sunday, March 9, Christ Church Bronxville was honored by a visit from Bishop V. Gene Robinson, retired bishop of New Hampshire. Bishop Robinson is the first openly gay person to become a bishop in the Anglican Communion.
Following the service, Christ Church Bronxville's LGBT & Friends Fellowship group hosted a festive brunch, after which Bishop Robinson addressed members and visitors about his journey in the Episcopal Church.
Gene Robinson was elected bishop of the Episcopal diocese of New Hampshire on June 7, 2003, having served as Canon to the Ordinary (assistant to the Bishop) for nearly 18 years. A 1969 graduate of the Sewanee: The University of the South, he holds a BA in American studies/history. In 1973, he completed the MDiv degree at The General Theological Seminary in New York City and was ordained deacon, then priest, before being consecrated as a bishop on All Saints' Sunday, November 2, 2003.
When Bishop Robinson was consecrated in 2003, the story made the front page of newspapers across the world. In his reflection at Christ Church, Robinson spoke about the remarkable changes that have taken place in America during the past 10 years for the LGBT community. In 2010, Mary Douglas Glasspool was ordained and consecrated, becoming the second openly gay bishop, and there was barely a mention in our national newspapers. The Episcopal Church has led the way in civil rights for LGBT people and risked much to stand up for what it believes in.
The bishop encouraged his audience at Christ Church Bronxville to love every person, explaining that together we can overcome oppression that still exists. It is a crime to live as an openly gay person in 80 countries around the world, and despite the acceptance of the LGBT community on the East Coast, many young Americans feel their life is not worth living.
Bishop Robinson charged his audience with treating everyone as a child of God, regardless of how they themselves have been treated. Bishop Robinson is known for saying, "The opposite of love is not hate, but fear," explaining that we should not respond to hate with hate, but with love. Bishop Robinson suggests that we all work together regardless of our race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious beliefs and that we realize that we are stronger when we stand together.
In his address at Christ Church, Bishop Robinson shared his thoughts on not being invited to the 2008 Lambeth Conference and on having breakfast with the new Archbishop of Canterbury, and he shared his opinion on Pope Francis. The bishop also regaled the audience with stories such as praying backstage with U2, giving the invocation at the opening ceremonies for President Obama's inauguration in 2009, and sharing a waiting room with Tiger Woods. Afterward, he made time to answer parishioners' personal concerns and gave advice, prayer, and support.
The bishop was introduced by a representative of the LGBT & Friends Fellowship group, Michael Pollack, and was welcomed by the rector of Christ Church Bronxville, Fr. Michael Bird.
After Bishop Robinson's address to parishioners, Matthew Behrens, a senior at Bronxville High School and leader of Christ Church's Episcopal Youth Committee, thanked the bishop for his visit and presented him with a gift from the Taizé monastery.
The afternoon concluded with a short response from Melanie Wadkins, a committee member of the LGBT & Friends Fellowship group. She called Christ Church Bronxville a beacon of light in the community. She explained that not only does Christ Church Bronxville draw many people in who might not be accepted elsewhere, but it shines a light on oppression and helps lead us to take action against what is unjust.
Pictured here: Bishop Gene Robinson (R) with Fr. Michael Bird, rector of Christ Church Bronxville.
Photo by Michael Pollack
Christ Church Bronxville
Christ Church Bronxville, or "CCBNY" as it's known in the community, is the village's Episcopal church, whose beginnings date back to 1898. The current church, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was completed in 1926 and was designed by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, who also designed St. Bartholomew's in New York City and the Chapel at West Point.
CCBNY offers a wide array of programs to its parishioners, who live throughout southern Westchester. The acclaimed music program boasts five choirs; international outreach efforts to Cuba; and education and service programs for family members of all ages. CCBNY is also home to the renowned children's music program Young at Arts (, and Eliza Corwin Frost (, a nursery school for children ages 1 to 5.
Our services are as follows:
8:00AM Rite I Spoken Eucharist
10:00AM Family Choral Eucharist, with 11:00 AM Coffee Hour
5:00PM Informal Eucharist or Choral Evensong
"No matter where you are on your spiritual journey there is a home for you at Christ Church. Our worship, music, education and outreach challenge us to embrace holiness and fearlessly share Christ's love."
First Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church was organized in 1854. Its mission is “to reach out as a caring and Christ centered Church to people of all culture and races, helping them to know God and find fellowship with each other through Jesus Christ to the glory of God.”
407 New Rochelle Road
Bronxville, New York 10708
Reformed Church of Bronxville
The Reformed Church of Bronxville is the community church in the heart of the village. We welcome people of all faiths and persuasions to be a part of our church family. We have exciting programs to meet your interests including music and the arts, service and outreach, children's ministry and a wonderful Nursery School.
Starting Sept. 7th, we have three Sunday services held at 8:30 am, 10:30 am and 5:00 pm. A Fellowship Coffee Hour is offered after the 10:30 am service. Childcare is available during our 10:30 am service along with Church School classes for children from 2 years old through the 8th grade.
The Reformed Church
180 Pondfield Road
Bronxville, New York 10708
St. Joseph’s Church
St. Joseph Church, which opened its doors in 1925, is the Catholic Church in Bronxville. It offers services on Saturday, Sunday, weekdays and Holy Days. It offers a religious education program for K - 8th grade which takes place on Wednesday during the school year. It also offers a myriad of opportunities for parishioners to meet, share ideas and experiences and help others. The St. Joseph’s School offers classes for K – 8th grade.
15 Cedar Street
Bronxville, New York 10708
Village Lutheran Church
The Village Lutheran Church “is a ministry of word and sacraments. This ministry gives opportunities for witness, nurture, fellowship, stewardship and service.” The Chapel School, which goes from pre-school three-year olds through 8th grade, is an integral part of the Church’s ministry for children.
172 White Plains Road
Bronxville, New York 10708
West Center Congregational Church
West Center Congregational Church is a member of The United Church of Christ. It welcomes “all who seek to find, know and serve the living God better in all they are and do.”
101 Pondfield Road West
Bronxville, New York 10708
Sinai Free Synagogue
Sinai Free Synagogue is Westchester`s "newest" Reform congregation but its roots go back almost 100 years. Formed in 1999 by a merger of Mount Vernon`s Sinai Temple (founded in 1906 and the first Reform congregation in Westchester County) and the Free Synagogue of Westchester (founded in 1927), the 250-member congregation has a long, distinguished history.
Please check the Calendar for dates and times.
550 North Columbus Avenue