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Junior League of Bronxville Awards Grants and Scholarships

Henry Wilson, Executive Director of Y-COP, with Kristin Smith and Meredith Dixon, Junior League of Bronxville

By Victoria Thiessen 

May 24, 2023: The Junior League of Bronxville (JLB) awarded eight grants to local non-profit organizations and five scholarships to young women heading to college. To celebrate these grant and scholarship recipients, the JLB hosted its annual Service & Scholarship Celebration on April 26.

The JLB Community Grants Program partners with 501(c)(3) organizations benefiting its service area of Bronxville, Eastchester, Mount Vernon, Tuckahoe, and Yonkers.  The grants met immediate and specific needs within these communities. 

This year, the JLB provided funding for the following organizations and projects:

-Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westchester: workbooks that provide storytelling opportunities for the Littles

-Concordia Conservatory: Spring String Poetry Project for the Lincoln Elementary School in Mount Vernon

-Eastchester Community Action Partnership: chairs for their after-school program and summer camp

-Eastchester Volunteer Ambulance Corps: customized tent for public relations events

-Operation Prom: supported launch of a new section at distribution events for non-gender conforming formal wear as well as attire to serve the wheelchair-bound.

-We Run Mt. Vernon: an inaugural Youth Race as part of this year’s Turkey Trot

-Y-COP of Mount Vernon: new stove for their hot meal program

-Yonkers Partners in Education: 5 Chromebooks for their College Centers in the public high schools

The JLB also awarded five scholarships to inspiring college-bound women. The Positive Power Award for a strong commitment to both volunteerism and academic excellence was given to Julia Handel of Eastchester High School.

-The Cara Kealy Award, named after an exemplary and beloved member of the JLB, is given in recognition of a commitment to voluntarism, and this year it went to Emma Cullinan of The Ursuline School in New Rochelle.

-The Erica Sevilla Service Award Scholarship, in loving memory of a past JLB president, is awarded to young women who reflect Erica's passion for volunteering and the JLB vision of “Mobilizing Women to Ignite and Inspire Community Change.” The three women who received this award were Lesley Iyamu of Mount Vernon High School, Natalia Potenza of Loyola School in New York, and Samra Shabir of Saunders Trades and Technical High School in Yonkers.

In addition, the JLB celebrated two very important organizations crucial to its success this year.

-The Community Partner of the Year Bundles of Joy was recognized for collaborating on the JLB Joyful Closet, which provides children at the Edward Williams School in Mount Vernon the opportunity to “shop” for essentials such as school supplies, toiletries, clothing, and more.

Finally, Houlihan Lawrence - Bronxville Brokerage was named Sponsor of the Year for providing the JLB with space to hold their inaugural Hometown Holiday Fair fundraiser.  Without fundraisers the JLB would not be able to do the amazing work it does in the community.

The League is honored to support all these organizations and young women in creating positive change in our community.

The Junior League of Bronxville, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.



Community Service Organizations Directory

Community Service Organizations

Bronxville Beautification Council

Organized in 1982 and incorporated in 1993, the Bronxville Beautification Council (BBC) is a not for profit organization administered by a Board of Directors. Its mission is to enhance and maintain the natural and man-made beauty of Bronxville Village, with emphasis on the downtown business district of Bronxville. The BBC uses the dollars raised in its annual spring solicitation letter to residents to fund the mum, tulip and summer flower plantings downtown and at traffic intersections, as well as the summer hanging baskets. Every few years the group spearheads such major endeavors as the renovation of Leonard Morange Square on the west side of the railroad tracks and the beautification of the Lawrence Hospital traffic circle, which included the addition of plants and the building of the fountain that now makes a gracious western portal to our town. The BBC also works with other civic groups to monitor the aesthetics of retail signage, the consistency of sidewalk materials, and litter and graffiti. During Beautify Bronxville Week, the BBC sponsors a poetry reading and works with Scout groups on the annual village clean-up. 

Bronxville Beautification Council
PO Box 127
Bronxville, New York 10708

Bronxville Boy Scouts

The village of Bronxville has a long tradition of scouting. “The troops and packs of Bronxville have maintained the finest scouting organizations and have taught the boys of the Bronxville area to be leaders and outstanding members of the local, national and global communities.”

There are several Boy Scout Troops in Bronxville, including Troops 1, 2, 4, and 5. 


Bronxvillle Girls Scouts

The Girls Scouts is “the world’s preeminent organization dedicated solely to girls where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world.” In Girl Scouts, “girls discover the fun, friendship and power of girls together. Through the many enriching experiences provided by Girl Scouts, they can grow courageous and strong.”

Bronxville Historical Conservancy

The Bronxville Historical Conservancy was founded in 1998 to further the understanding and appreciation of the history and current life of the village. The Conservancy furthers its mission through the presentation of programs, publications, lectures and special events that foster an awareness of the village's architectural, artistic and cultural heritage, and lends its support for projects designed to strengthen and preserve those legacies. Anyone who is interested in the Bronxville and its history can become a member; varying levels of membership are available. 

Bronxville Historical Conservancy
PO Box 989
Bronxville, New York 10708



Bronxville School Foundation

The Bronxville School Foundation, founded in 1991, is a non-profit organization independent from the school with the sole purpose of supporting the school. The Foundation raises money each year through donations from school families, community members, and alumni, among others.These contributions fund grants that provide cutting-edge technology, innovative programs and curriculum and other resources that are beyond the scope of public school funding.

177 Pondfield Road
Bronxville, New York 10708


Bronxville Women’s Club

The Bronxville Women’s Club offers lectures, exhibits and concerts. It also has a beautiful clubhouse which is available for rental for events.

135 Midland Avenue
Bronxville, New York 10708

Bronxville Youth Council

The Bronxville Youth Council provides volunteer and leadership opportunities for high school students in the village of Bronxville.

177 Pondfield Road
Bronxville, New York 10708
914-395-0500 ext 1789

Counseling Center

Founded in 1971, the mission of the Counseling Center “is to provide a wide range of psychotherapeutic and counseling services to individuals, couples and families by a staff of highly trained, experience and dedicated psychotherapists. 

The Counseling Center
180 Pondfield Road
Bronxville, New York 10708

Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester & Tuckahoe

The mission of the Community Fund is “to support broad social services in Bronxville 10708, Eastchester and Tuckahoe through grants and technical support to local agencies and community projects. All money raised here in our community stays here in our community.” 

15 Park Place
Bronxville, New York 10708

Friends of the Bronxville Library

The Friends of the Bronxville Library is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to focus attention on the “Library’s services, facilities and needs” as well as sponsor projects and provide materials that are beyond the reach of the Library’s regular budget and perform other services. 

Junior League of Bronxville

The Junior League of Bronxville is “an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.”


Rotary Club of Bronxville

The mission of the Rotary Club of Bronxville is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and to encourage and foster (1) the development of friendships within the community as an opportunity for service, (2) high ethical standards in business and professions, (3) the application of the ideal of service of each member to his personal and business and community life and (4) the advancement of international understanding, good will and peace through a world fellowship.” 

Senior Citizens of Bronxville

Senior Citizens of Bronxville is a not-for-profit organization that provides services and programs to seniors within the 10708 zip code area. “Programs cover a wide range of activities from educational seminars and cultural enrichment, to community services, bridge classes and exercise.”


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