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Bronxville Police Blotter: March 21 to March 24, 2018


Bronxville Police Department

Mar. 28, 2018:  The entries below are selections from the Bronxville police blotter.

Wednesday, March 21, 4:35 pm, North Road: There was a motor vehicle accident in which an unoccupied parked vehicle was struck. There was property damage only; the offending vehicle left the scene, and the incident is being investigated.

Thursday, March 22, 3:37 am, Pondfield Road/Midland Avenue: There was a two-vehicle accident; there were no injuries, and an information exchange was completed.

Thursday, March 22, 9:43 am, Midland Avenue: A 59-year-old man from White Plains was charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle in the 3rd Degree after he was stopped when an onboard license plate reader alarm indicated to the officer that the registration certificate to the 2016 Toyota Corolla he was operating had been suspended. The man was subsequently cited for Unlicensed Operator, Suspended Registration, Unregistered Vehicle, and Operating Without Insurance. The Corolla was impounded and the man was processed and released on scene pending his next court appearance.

Thursday, March 22, 11:20 am, Lake Avenue: A resident reported that their personal information had been used to make a fraudulent Social Security transaction. The incident is being investigated.

Friday, March 23, 8:45 am, Lawrence Hospital: A Yonkers resident reported that her wallet containing $300 and credit cards had been stolen from a cabinet in her hospital room. The incident is being investigated.

Friday, March 23, 2:01 pm, Parkway Road:  A 49-year-old female driver from Yonkers struck a utility pole causing the pole and live power wires to come down on top of her vehicle. The driver was ordered to stay in her vehicle by emergency personnel, who shut down access to the area until Con Ed could respond to shut off power to the pole. The power was shut down and the uninjured driver was safely evacuated from her vehicle. It is unclear how the driver lost control of her vehicle. She was issued a Bronxville Criminal Court appearance ticket for Damage to Village Property.

Friday, March 23, 3:35 pm, Garden Avenue: A village parking meter was damaged and left on the ground next to broken glass. The incident is being investigated.

Saturday, March 24, 10:00 am, Pondfield Road:  A 23-year-old from Yonkers was stopped for performing an illegal U-turn in his 2016 Toyota Corolla. A subsequent inquiry revealed that the man’s driving privileges had been suspended for failing to answer a summons he received in the City of Yonkers. Further investigation revealed that the man also had an active bench warrant issued by the City of Yonkers Court for failing to appear in court on previous charges, which included Fleeing from Police and Reckless Driving. The man was processed at Bronxville police headquarters and then taken into custody by Yonkers detectives to face his outstanding warrant.

Second photo provided by Bronxville Police Department


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