From The Counseling Center: True Gratitude

By Natalie Ryder Redcross, The Counseling Center

Nov. 20, 2024: In busy lives, gratitude is often felt, and less often expressed. And yet, it is sometimes the thing we most crave from one another-to feel valued.

Verbal expressions of "thank you," and "I appreciate that," can be the easiest and simplest ways to express a sense of value to loved ones and strangers.

Deeply meaningful, true gratitude, however, often takes the form of intentional action.

When we want an important person-a friend, colleague, child, parent, relative, partner, spouse, neighbor or the like-to deeply feel and know our gratitude, these acts are examples of ways to reach beyond words:

-When they say, "no thanks, I can do it alone," show up and help anyway.

-Commit to do a chore you know they dislike...without requests or reminders!

-Practice patience in moments of irritation or discord.

-Come through-be reliable and dependable.

-Watch, listen and be observant.

-Learn to anticipate what they'd like, want or need.

-Truly hear them. Put down the phone or technology, and show that they have your full attention

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